Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ghosts Festival Rituals

Have you ever seen a ghost in your life? It is said, on July 1, the gate is reopened for all the ghosts to visit the world we lived. Your ancestor’s will come back to your family until July 31 midnight, all the ghosts will be summoned back.

My parents did not allow us to swim in the river even swimming pool during the month. The ghosts who died by drown will hide under water and drag your legs. You are not supposed to do any dangerous activities during the lunar July.

There are three “Bye-Bye” which we worship the gods or ghosts will take place in the first and end of July and in between. The July 15th will be the biggest. On July 1, we prepared the meals for the ghosts when they traveled and past our home. On July 31, we also prepared the meals for them to see off all the ghosts. And may all the bad spirits leave us far… far away.

On July 15, my parent burned incenses and asked for the blessings. My grandma setup a table outside the house. Everyone was called to the table with 3 incenses on both hands. We prayed with the ghosts of our ancestors for prosper or get a good mark in our school. The table is filled up with dishes, pork, cooked chicken, fish, and fruits. I knew I could enjoy a good meal in my dinner.

The temples will build a platform for all kinds of ceremony. There is one puppet show are my best favor. It is free for everyone to watch it because of temple already got a lot of donations by peoples. The puppets are made of a piece of palm size clothing made in details to match the characters identity. The wooden painted head is hollow to fit index finger. Some puppet’s heads can flash eyes and move the mouse as he is talking. The people who hidden behind a theater which look like a two story mini building with curtain wrapped around, use both palms to control the puppets and make conversation with prepared screenplay in his memory. They were two shows every day. The afternoon show played the history with famous heroes. My favor show was a red-faced hero rode on a red-skin horse with a spear-like weapon from “the Romance of the Three Kingdom”. The Kung-Fu fighting show with magic are performed at night time. It is a”Matrix” movie in my childhood. All the puppets talk, chat, walk and suddenly they became alive when I was so absorbed into the show that I forgot to go home.

“It’s time to eat” my aunt shout at me. A voice interrupted my imagination of being the hero of me combating on the show. I was unwillingly to leave the show but went home for a big dinner.

There are other ceremonies and activities held in the "ghosts month" but I like the puppet show which brings me the best entertainment of my childhood.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Thanks for the post.
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